Tuesday 19 June 2018

I cannot forgive my culture. For empowering the oppressors. And for silencing the voice of the victims.

Thursday 7 June 2018

Pay close attention, to those you reach to in moments of celebration, confusion or difficulty. 
When the unpredictable happens. It gives insight into the feelings you go to great efforts to suppress.

Life is too short to be indecisive
Life is too short to be uncertain about your feelings.
Life is too short to live in fear of what could go wrong.
Seek to better understand yourself, find where your happiness lies and follow that path.

Guard the gaze

Joy can be found with ease.
Everything we need to access it is within us.
Senses that perceive. A mind that is inspired. A heart that feels. 

Happiness has the chance of entry once we reject distractions.
Once we stop looking around, looking to others.
And instead divert our gaze to good that is in front of us.  


The world is certainly a far more mystical place than what the eyes perceive. But that mysticism isn't for us.  For we have been warn...

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