Sunday 29 April 2018

Protect your energy

Wise words from a friend:

Creating positive energy within yourself is an active process. Be careful with who you regularly share that energy with.
It should only be shared with those who can return it, in equal amounts.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are consistently investing energy in those who offer little return, you will find yourself depleted very quickly.

Focus on creating positive energy within yourself, radiate that, and choose company who will return it. Cut off those who drain. Positivity attracts positivity. Those who match will gravitate towards you.

Saturday 28 April 2018

Expect good

Life is difficult as it is. Don't block your own blessings. Stop trying to control and let the people and events around you follow through with their own course. The right things will find their way towards you in good timing. Let it be. Divert your focus to what you can control. Your well-being, your  growth and maintaining your happiness. Our thoughts manifest in our lives. Expect good in your life, and it will be apparent.

Friday 27 April 2018


No single calling?
Or many multiple ones?

From a young age, we have been put under immense pressure to decide on a single pursuit, a single passion, a single calling. And work towards that. Sometimes . Many do so, following a path that was chosen in haste, only to invest and be dissatisfied with what has consumed their life.
But why must we invest wholeheartedly in one? When we can pursue multiple?
It doesn't mean we are indecisive, or lack the passion to pursue one goal.
It means we are dissatisfied with a single pursuit. And unfilled by that.
That we seek more life in our years, more growth within our time.
That we are abundant with ideas, skills and interests that no single career can utilise.
Its easy to get carried away with ideas, so have a plan in place and follow through with it.
Create the life that you want for yourself, otherwise risk handing the power over to others.

Go where passion takes you.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

To disregard the feelings of another,
waste their time and energy for the sole purpose of amusement and entertainment-
is cruel.
And how does one know if they are victim to this?
- by persistently feeling drained.

We have an individual responsibility to protect ourselves and remain at a safe distance.
We must recognise our own value, recognise and aknowledge our needs and feelings.
Verbalise and enforce clear boundaries.
Allow another to violate that and watch as self worth plummets.

Cut those ties and grow in peace.

Thursday 19 April 2018


Creativity is the mind unlocked. Is colour added to a grey world
Individuality, identity, understanding.
Exploring our creative side reveals insights into ourselves.
What catches our eyes? What inspires us? What are we drawn to?
It strengthens the sense of self.
Pursue a creative outlet, any which appeals to you. Let it be a way of expressing what you see, hear, think. Worry not about recognition from others, or whether they appreciate its meaning.
Art continues to exist in nature unnoticed, yet apparent to those who wish to see it.
And your work must exist too. 
Despite the efforts we go to satisfy our egos, we cannot escape our reality. That we were made forgetful. And with every uncomfortable blunder, we are left humbled. It prompts pause, reflection and correction. Quiet growth, driven by humility.

Saturday 14 April 2018

The glitter of this world,
 the appreciation and praise of others
and the need to satisfy the thirst of the ego.
Let actions not be driven by such pursuits. 
Short-lived, their effect rises, then falls harshly.
Taking the same energy but depleted.
Instead act out of love, with selflessness. 
Such actions bring only tranquillity to the soul. 
For love not only investments in the eternal, 
But beautifies the journey towards it.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Reside not in the past, nor fixate on possibilities. 
For a bright future,  divert attention and efforts to the present.

Sunday 8 April 2018

Impulse vs intuition

The decisions we make determine the course of our lives. It is not the consequences that determine whether a decision was right or not, it is the driving forces behind them and the intent.

Decisions made based on logic and reasoning are often safe and predictable. Two other driving factors are impulse and intuition, these make life unpredictable and significantly more interesting. Knowing the difference between the two is crucial in order to navigate through life with confidence.
Impulses- , usually insignificant, driven by desire, creates excitement, generally should be ignored (unless very bored). Desire to act does not persist.  
a strong sense of inclination towards something in the absence of conscious. Should always be responded to and never ignored, determines the course of our lives. It persists for reasons we cannot explain and needs not be validated by logic and reasoning, so perhaps it is our personal truth. 
Act on intuition, not impulse


Friday 6 April 2018

Thursday 5 April 2018

Exam season and affirmations for studying

Time 22:21
Thought I'd document exam season during fourth year of medical school.
I have covered more content this year than any other year of education. All of it is to be reviewed over the next 3 weeks and will be examined. Luckily the questions are multiple choice so that takes some of the pressure of having to recall specifics.

My revision style is unpredictable. I have an unrealistic timetable made and ready for reference. One medical specialty per day. Larger specialties over two days. The amount of work I do is based around the spikes of energy. I utilise those spikes and work faster and harder in those few hours than sitting for most of the day. These energy spikes happen to be from 10pm till 4am so that is where the bulk of my studying takes place in. Those hours are peaceful, uninterrupted and undisturbed hence why I prefer them.

I Still working in the day though, primarily the afternoon. But I prefer not to completely isolate myself in my room during exam season, sitting with family helps (but also is a huge distraction so I should perhaps rethink this).
Sleep- 4-5 hours. Sleep is for the weak.
Oh and revision is broken up by whatever midnight activity calls. Whether that be a jog, Pilates or anything musical.

And to make things slightly less stressful- positive affirmations. The most effective way of silencing the whispers of doubt. I have used affirmations since secondary school, without realising I was using them. I believe in myself and my abilities and am able to overcome every obstacle I face. You have to tell yourself such bold statements, no one else will.

Affirmations which will get me through this period:

I am able to take in everything I read

My mind has no limits

I am confident in my abilities and capabilities

I have no doubt that I will cover all the content

There is more than enough time for each module

If the rest of my cohort can do it then so can I.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Joy exists in moments. And the best of moments are the spontaneous.

Sunday 1 April 2018


I trust that time will make sense of what my mind cannot

Create your own label otherwise accept whichever is thrown at you. Don't want to participate in the rat race? Remove yourself from it. Take control otherwise risk being a passenger in your own vehicle.

The world is certainly a far more mystical place than what the eyes perceive. But that mysticism isn't for us.  For we have been warn...

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