Monday 26 February 2018

Maximise the joy

Stop fearing the bad. Stop allowing fears of the worst ruin the beautiful moments that are presented to us. Life is a mixture of good and bad and both need to be embraced. It is a matter of maximising the positive experiences, whilst minimising the impact of the negatives. 

So when you find yourself content, pause, and take every bit of it in. What you see, what you hear, the wonderful people around you, how you feel. Make a mental note of it all. The more detail you take in, the greater and more vivid the memory. And memories persist, even as the moment passes. Our lives are turbulent and sometimes grey, yet beautiful memories, of a life worth living, may be what keeps our spirit alive. Maximise the joy, and let it bring happiness, even after the event. 

Look for the beautiful moments, cherish and focus on them entirely so to not allow the whispers of "it won't last" to be heard. 
Life is hard and we are in need of any good that comes our way. 

Wednesday 21 February 2018

I tried detachment, but something went wrong.
It was just emotional suppression. The extent to which was only truly felt in the aftermath.
Detachment will take more time to master.
For next time, acknowledge and express the feelings fully first.

Wednesday 14 February 2018

So choose compassion, towards yourself first and foremost

A constant inner battle, fuelled by self criticism and discontent only drains. 
It cannot be hidden. It will reveal itself eventually, 

Negativity radiates, if we dislike ourselves we cannot show genuine concern or compassion towards others. And so begins the cycle of hate, beginning internally and manifesting externally. 

Conversely, self love behaves just the same. It cannot be contained either. It begins internally and becomes reflected in actions, behaviour and in a person's presence.

Love the inner self. Accept the imperfect state of man, overlook the unchangeable 'flaws', be forgiving of past mistakes.

It is a choice. To love or to hate. That is where our power lies. So choose wisely. 

So choose compassion, towards yourself first and foremost. 

Saturday 3 February 2018

When lost
In doubt of yourself,
Of your abilities,
Of your future,
Take a step back,
to focus on and rectify your salah.

The world is certainly a far more mystical place than what the eyes perceive. But that mysticism isn't for us.  For we have been warn...

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