Thursday 5 April 2018

Exam season and affirmations for studying

Time 22:21
Thought I'd document exam season during fourth year of medical school.
I have covered more content this year than any other year of education. All of it is to be reviewed over the next 3 weeks and will be examined. Luckily the questions are multiple choice so that takes some of the pressure of having to recall specifics.

My revision style is unpredictable. I have an unrealistic timetable made and ready for reference. One medical specialty per day. Larger specialties over two days. The amount of work I do is based around the spikes of energy. I utilise those spikes and work faster and harder in those few hours than sitting for most of the day. These energy spikes happen to be from 10pm till 4am so that is where the bulk of my studying takes place in. Those hours are peaceful, uninterrupted and undisturbed hence why I prefer them.

I Still working in the day though, primarily the afternoon. But I prefer not to completely isolate myself in my room during exam season, sitting with family helps (but also is a huge distraction so I should perhaps rethink this).
Sleep- 4-5 hours. Sleep is for the weak.
Oh and revision is broken up by whatever midnight activity calls. Whether that be a jog, Pilates or anything musical.

And to make things slightly less stressful- positive affirmations. The most effective way of silencing the whispers of doubt. I have used affirmations since secondary school, without realising I was using them. I believe in myself and my abilities and am able to overcome every obstacle I face. You have to tell yourself such bold statements, no one else will.

Affirmations which will get me through this period:

I am able to take in everything I read

My mind has no limits

I am confident in my abilities and capabilities

I have no doubt that I will cover all the content

There is more than enough time for each module

If the rest of my cohort can do it then so can I.

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